Path Analysis: Professional Competence, Teacher Attitude, Motivation and Creativity Towards Learning Outcome
The purpose of this study was to 1) explain the influence of professional competence and teacher attitude toward students’ learning motivation of narrative writing, 2) explain the influence of professional competence and teacher attitude towards students’ creativity in narrative writing and 3) explain the influence of professional competence, teacher attitude, motivation, creativity toward students' learning outcomes in narrative writing. This study uses a quantitative approach with experimental research methods and explanatory design. The population of study was the whole of primary school students of Kartika Jaya 1-11 Padang and sample were students of class VI consists of five classes namely VA to VE, amounting to 94 people. Data were collected by using questionnaires with 5-point Likert scale measurement. Data was obtained from narrative essay tests. Data analysis used path analysis test. Research findings show that the attitude of professional competence and teacher attitude simultaneously and partially effect on student motivation, but partially the teacher attitude did not have significant effect on motivation. As well as professional competence and teacher attitude simultaneously and partially effect on students’ creativity, but partially teacher attitude did not have significant effect on students’ creativity. The influence of all variables simultaneously indicate that professional competence, teacher attitude, motivation and creativity significant effect on learning outcomes of narrative writing to the elementary school students of Kartika Jaya1-11, Padang, but partially not all variables have significant influence, where professional competence had no significant effect to results learning, as well as teacher attitude had no significant effect on learning outcomes.
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