GLS Role as a Process of Learning Motivation in PAI Lessons in Kedanyang SDN Gresik
echoed by the government was able to form a literate small community, therefore research was very important. The formulation of the problem was about the school literacy movement (GLS) at Kedanyang State Elementary School in Gresik and GLS motivated the learning of third grade students at Sekolah Dasar Negeri Kedanyang Gresik and the role of school literacy movement (GLS) in increasing student learning motivation in educational subjects third class Islamic religion at Sekolah Dasar Negeri Kedanyang Gresik. This research method can be described. This type of field research was qualitative; the objects were the principal, leaders and library staff, PAI teachers and students. The data collection methods: observation, interview, and documentation as well as library studies that were analyzing the data using qualitative descriptive. The findings could be concluded: (1) In the beginning Sekolah Dasar Negeri Kedanyang Gresik only used reading activities just to read, over time by getting used to reading 15 minutes before the lesson they felt the benefits. (2) GLS also provided learning motivation for third grade students at Sekolah Dasar Negeri Kedanyang Gresik on Islamic religious education subjects through reading the story of the prophet, the companions of the prophet and the guardian of songo or relating to Islamic religious education. Because by reading they learnt to tell stories, summarizing and even portraying characters in the stories they read. Automatically they were increasingly fond of reading. (3) Thus GLS had a very large role for its readers so that they were able to form literate humans by conditioning the environment, completing infrastructure and adding a collection of books.
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