Menumbuhkembangkan Jiwa Enterpreneurship melalui Kegiatan Cooking Class di RA Darul Ulum Kecamatan Rembang Kabupaten Pasuruan
Basically RA children are active individuals, have high curiosity, are persistent and have unique characteristics in each individual. These characteristics can be seen in the development of students in RA Darul Ulum, Rembang District, Pausruan Regency. The school has a mission to foster entrepreneurship in children based on the example of the Prophet, such as always accustoming children to being persistent, independent, and confident in every activity carried out inside and outside of school. The value of Entrepreneurship has an impact on the attitudes and behavior of children, Growing the Entrepreneurship Soul Through Cooking Class Activities in RA Darul Ulum, District of Rembang, District of Pausruan, which focuses on developing entrepreneurial spirit in students. Given that this research aims to understand and interpret the various fenomemna that exist or which are manifested in reality as a characteristic of qualitative research, in this case how is the process of Developing Entrepreneurship Souls in RA Darul Ulum, Rembang District, Pausruan Regency. then the researchers used descriptive qualitative research methods in observing and interviewing in the cooking class at RA Darul Ulum, Rembang Subdistrict, Pausruan District. Factors that emerged in the field findings and were able to influence the implementation of planting Entrepreneurship values ​​in early childhood through Cooking Class Activities. Cooking class games in learning have several benefits as a basis for Developing Entrepreneurship Souls. Developing Entrepreneurship Souls From the interviews that have been conducted, information is obtained that the main task of the teacher is as a guide, teacher and educator. In this case the teacher is not only tasked with conveying information / lessons to his students, but also must be able to transfer knowledge and positive behavioral patterns so as to develop Entrepreneurship skills
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