Pengaruh Menonton Televisi Kartun terhadap Perkembangan Sosial Emosional Anak di TK Al Hidayah Desa Kalianyar Kecamatan Bangil Kabupaten Pasuruan
Emotional social development is a development that is directly related to social, behavior and language of a person. Good that relates to how children adapt or play with friends around them. And know how to maintain the feelings of his friends and know respect for their rights / opinions / work so that children know how to express emotions that are appropriate to the conditions they should.As is known, the social and emotional development of children is much influenced by the environment around children, both family environment, community environment, school environment, playing environment, even from media around children such as electronic and non-electronic media media that easily influence children now is the media one of them is television. Television media is a very important tool in the process of life because basically television broadcasts a lot or displays news broadcasts, entertainment, soap operas that entertain many audiences, pleasant music, to films for children. From various television broadcasts, one broadcasts that have a negative impact on children are cartoons. Basically, children in Al Hidayah Kindergarten, Kalianyar Village, Bangil Subdistrict, Pasuruan District, prefer to watch cartoons that contain humor rather than cartoons containing educational values. Without being based, cartoon films watched by children can be entertaining, but can also have a negative impact on them and the people around them.
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