Hubungan Antara Tingkat Pendidikan Orang Tua dengan Orientasi Pola Asuh Anak Usia Dini (Studi di RA al Karimy Kec. Kutorejo Kab. Mojokerto)
In providing learning about all the potential possessed by children from an early age, it does not have to do with parents' parenting factors. Parenting given by parents is the basis for the development of children who will make it later as a person who has character both for himself and for his social environment. Parenting is given by parents to their children is very different ways and methods, so that the quality of care will also affect children differently. This relates to how the closeness of the child and his parents in daily life and the background factors that characterize the life of the parents themselves, both those related to the family environment, religion, culture, economy and educational background of the parents themselves. Of all the phenomena about parenting above, it opens the initiative of researchers to be clearer in understanding and exploring the relationship of differences in parental education with parenting patterns. The researcher took a direct sample from RA Al Karimy, Kutorejo District, Mojokerto Regency. Based on the output of the Model Summary, it can be explained that the R square value is 0.198. This means that the variable level of education of parents has an influence on foster patterns of 19.8%, and the remaining 79.2% is determined by other reasons outside the model. There is a positive and significant influence of parents' education level on parenting patterns of 19.1%, the positive effect if parents' education level gets better, the parenting pattern is better, parents' education level and parenting pattern is getting better, the parenting pattern is getting better. While other factors that support the increase in Foster Patterns are 80.9% including the environment, socio-culture, supervision and others related to increasing parenting patterns.
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