Peningkatan Kewaspadaan Orangtua terhadap Penggunaan Gadget pada Perkembangan Anak Usia Dini Kelompok A di RA Al-Inaroh Pasinan Lekok Pasuruan
: Progress in the era of technology has produced a variety of sophisticated communication tools and relatively affordable prices. The most popular communication tools today are cellphones. Various layers of society can afford to buy it at cheap and quality prices. The users are now able to operate the entire community, both children and parents. Semongkrong hamlet is one of the places of RA Al Inaroh, precisely Pasinan Village, Lekok Subdistrict, Pasuruan Regency, which was affected by the technological progress, this can be seen from the results of preliminary observations where many were able to operate mobile phones. The findings in the field make researchers want to see how the parents' role in the influence of gadgets on early childhood development, especially group A.
This research is qualitative descriptive, with 3 parents as resource persons taken by researchers, as well as three children and 3 Educators. The theory used in this research is role theory where in this theory explains how the limitations and obligations of parents in acting as family members.
The results of the study obtained that the role of parents in monitoring their children in using gadgets is very important in the success of children's education, because parents can control, advise and regulate the use of gadgets. Thus, its use is more efficient where children are taught to be responsible and discipline in time.
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