Penggunaan Metode Gerakan Tangan dapat Menghafal Asmaul Husna pada Kelompok A di RA Al Qodiri Wates Lekok Pasuruan
: How to memorize in a way, there is a conventional memorization by remembering the word of asmaul husna one by one. How to memorize with such a method makes the child saturated and the level of memorization is very low. The use of memorization by bernanyayi method is more attractive for children because of its characteristic music that is pitched, cheerful and interesting rhythms makes children interested in the use of the song to memorize something, but the use of the song is very interesting if the children taught are also moving.
The use of motion with hand media whose purpose to interpret the nature of God from the word asmaul husna will be more attractive for children to memorize, as it will train the child's cognitive and psychomotor power. the focus to be investigated is concerned with "The use of the hand movement method can memorize asmaul husna in group A in RA Al Qodiri Wates Lekok Pasuruan District of Pasuruan" that is level A students studying in RA Al-Qodiri examined how the hand movement method can facilitate and able to make children are faster in memorizing husbands.
This research uses descriptive qualitative method. Samples are students of A RA Al-Qodiri Wates group Lekok Subdistrict Pasuruan. With a total of 10 students, consists of 5 male students and 5 female students. The place used for this research is class A RA Al-Qodiri Wates group Lekok District Pasuruan.Data collection techniques through interviews, observations and data analysis. The use of hand movements in memorizing husbands can help children focus and be happy in memorizing husbands. Children are more focused in following the teaching and learning process and when memorizing children are better than learning in previous cycles or after using the method of demonstration more optimally.
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