Peran Orang Tua dalam Mendampingi Anak Saat Pembelajaran Daring di Rumah
The role of parents is very necessary for the process of learning of children during this study from home. The role of parents is also very necessary to provide education to their children who are still unable to understand the pandemic that is endemic to remain silent at home so as not to become infected and transmit the plague this pandemic. Parents feel learning at home is very effective to implement, but that does not mean learning at school is not more effective than at home learning activities. The purpose of this study is to find out the role of parents in implementing learning at home when the Covid 19 pandemics are focused on children aged 5- 8 years. The method of this research is to use a phenomenological qualitative method, data obtained through a questionnaire. The populations of this study are parents who have children aged 5-8 years. The sample of this study is parents who have children aged 5-8 years. The results of this study are that parents can improve the relationship with their children, and parents can see directly the development of their ability to learn.
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