Pengaruh Media Flash Card terhadap Penguasaan Pembelajaran Al Qur’an Hadits Siswa Kelas I MI Brawijaya I Trowulan
The education provided in mi survivors of media use using student presentations and package books using a talk method without variation and using less of the media use in explaining the lesson materials. This can lower students' interest in learning, students become less enthusiastic so that materials presented less understood need a medium capable of attracting and enthusiastic students in the process of learning in order to reproduce the material presented so that the results can increase.
One of the media that is capable of attracting and enthusiastic students to the right process for learning to increase focus and can understand material that is presented is the it lash card of the media flash card visa medium that contains a simple media study material that is very easy to create, doesn't require special skill, so anyone can create it. Flash card understanding according to Azhar Arsyad (2011:119) flash card is a small card with a reminder picture, text, or symbol mark for leading students to something related to the picture. Flash card is usually 8 by 12 cm (8 by 12 cm), or it can be adjusted to the small size of the class faced. The conclusion of the article is that with the flash card learning media can attract interest and increase students' memory in the coming of learning the Qur 'an Hadits only taught science can be absorbed.
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