Dekolonisasi Pendidikan Islam di Indonesia

  • Sauqi Futaqi Universitas Islam Darul Ulum (UNISDA) Lamongan
Kata kunci: Islamic Education, Postcolonial, Decolonization


This paper examines the dialectics of Islamic education and postcolonial discipline. This dialectic is a necessity for reforming Islamic education amid the complexity of global problems. With a postcolonial perspective, Islamic education in the archipelago will find its relevance to local treasures and global challenges. Postcolonial discipline also provides an epistemological and ideological basis for revitalizing tradition with new meanings. In other words, this dialectic is a form of decolonization of Islamic education, which contains three things. First, intellectual decolonization, trying to think of the present in the context of the past, not just a colonial period. This effort is based on the fact that one part inherent in the colonization effort is through knowledge construction. In such a position, the emphasis on indigenous knowledge becomes indispensable for the knowledge of the people not to be uprooted from their roots. Second, decolonization of Mentality, in which the colonial mentality also influences the perception of ethnic and cultural inferiority and forms of internalized racial oppression, thus becoming a habitus that is not easily removed. Colonial mentality at least contains an elitist mentality, a capitalist-exploitative mentality, a competitive mentality, and an individualistic mentality. Third, the decolonization of philosophical Islamic education to empower the society with the necessary epistemological and axiological capabilities to exist and participate in societies based on the sensitivity and ethos of globalization.


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Bentuk Sitasi
Futaqi, S. (2018, February 26). Dekolonisasi Pendidikan Islam di Indonesia. PROCEEDING: The Annual International Conference on Islamic Education, 3(1), 232-242. Retrieved from