This study aims to improve understanding of children's number concepts through number fishing games at RA Miftahul Ulum Oyoran Genengwaru Kec. Rembang Kab. Pasurun academic year 2021/2022. This research is a collaborative classroom action research using the Kemmis and Taggart models which was carried out in 2 cycles. Each cycle was carried out in 3 meetings. The subjects of this study were group A children, totaling 17 children. The object of research is understanding the concept of numbers through number fishing games. The data collection method used is observation. Data analysis technique using quantitative descriptive
The results showed that there was an increase in the understanding of the concept of children's number concept in group A through the number fishing game, namely before the action the percentage of understanding the concept of children's numbers was 49.58% with sufficient criteria and after the act of understanding the concept of children's number was carried out it increased to 82.50% with the criteria very good. Increasing the understanding of the concept of numbers is carried out by steps 1) The teacher explains to the children about the game to be carried out; 2) The teacher divides the children into groups, each group consists of 2 children; 3) The first child in one group is asked to draw numbers according to the teacher's orders; 4) Next, other children in the group are asked to fish with numbers in accordance with the numbers provoked by the first child; 5) Ask the children to take turns doing the game; 6) Invite children to compare the number of objects that have been provoked; 7) Invite the children to tell about the game that has been implemented.
This study aims to improve understanding of children's number concepts through number fishing games at RA Miftahul Ulum Oyoran Genengwaru Kec. Rembang Kab. Pasurun academic year 2021/2022. This research is a collaborative classroom action research using the Kemmis and Taggart models which was carried out in 2 cycles. Each cycle was carried out in 3 meetings. The subjects of this study were group A children, totaling 17 children. The object of research is understanding the concept of numbers through number fishing games. The data collection method used is observation. Data analysis technique using quantitative descriptive
The results showed that there was an increase in the understanding of the concept of children's number concept in group A through the number fishing game, namely before the action the percentage of understanding the concept of children's numbers was 49.58% with sufficient criteria and after the act of understanding the concept of children's number was carried out it increased to 82.50% with the criteria very good. Increasing the understanding of the concept of numbers is carried out by steps 1) The teacher explains to the children about the game to be carried out; 2) The teacher divides the children into groups, each group consists of 2 children; 3) The first child in one group is asked to draw numbers according to the teacher's orders; 4) Next, other children in the group are asked to fish with numbers in accordance with the numbers provoked by the first child; 5) Ask the children to take turns doing the game; 6) Invite children to compare the number of objects that have been provoked; 7) Invite the children to tell about the game that has been implemented.
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