Pengaruh Kegiatan Bermain Kartu Huruf terhadap Kemampuan Membaca pada Anak Kelompok A di RA Miftahul Jannah
Playing letter cards is a method used in improving reading skills in early childhood, especially group A in RA Miftahul Jannah Kec. Tongas Kab. Probolinggo. This research was conducted to find out how the influence of playing letter cards on reading skills at RA Miftahul Jannah Curah Pondok Kec. Tongas Kab. Probolinggo. This study uses quantitative research methods with the type of research is Experimental research. This study used the Pre-Experimental Designs research design using the One-Group Pre-Test-Post-Test Designs. Based on the results of the research conducted for three meetings, it can be concluded that the increase in reading ability in RA Aiftahul Jannah Group A children in Pondok Pondok is because learning is done by playing pictorial cards on the children in post-test. The teacher gives an explanation of the activities that will be carried out, namely the activity of illustrating cards mentioning the name of the animal and letters on the card in turn, the activity of arranging letter cards into animal names and then reading them. arranging letter cards according to the picture card then mentioning the vowels. Based on the results of the data in this study, the results of the children's ability to read in each test showed an increase. Children who are able to say letters, read pictures, connect images with writing. This shows that reading skills in children of Group A RA Mifathul Jannah Academic Year 2018-2019 can be done through playing letter cards.
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