Pengaruh Kinerja Guru terhadap Motivasi Belajar Anak di RA Kecamatan Sooko Kabupaten Mojokerto
Learning environments need to be organized so as to provide opportunities for students to participate in various experiences (Masitoh et al., 2005: 72). Research findings show that learning outcomes generally increase if the motivation for learning increases (NoehiNasution, 1992: 9). Based on the results of observations conducted by researchers at RA Sooko District, Mojokerto Regency, it can be seen that there are still teachers who have not paid attention to their performance. This is indicated by the existence of teachers who have not paid attention to the importance of planning, implementation, assessment, and follow-up assessment of learning. The existence of teachers who do not prepare learning planning, so that the implementation of learning is carried out spontaneously without any prior planning and carried out with a minimum. Therefore, in order to obtain the quality of education that is in accordance with the set goals, the teacher is required to always have high performance. Thus the teacher's performance problems need to get serious attention. Starting from the background above, the researcher intends to carry out research on student learning motivation in terms of the implementation of the teacher's performance function. These results indicate that the null hypothesis (Ho) states that Teacher Performance does not significantly influence students' Learning Motivation in RA Sooko District, Mojokerto District, it can be seen that there are still teachers who have not paid attention to their performance. This was rejected. This means that the research hypothesis (Ha) is accepted, ie Teacher Performance significantly influences the Motivation of Student Motivation in Sooko District, Mojokerto District, it can be seen that there are still teachers who have not paid attention to their performance. That matter. Correlation Coefficient (R) = 0.612 or can be used as a percentage of 61.2% means that between the performance of the teacher and the learning motivation of children there is a strong relationship. The positive number in the correlation coefficient shows that between the variables of Teacher Performance (X).
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