Development of Computer Based Instruction Multimedia Digitalization of Arabic Language Learning in LPBA Basic Class of Al-Qodiri Islamic Boarding School
This CBI-based learning has a relevant momentum at a time when the current conditions are still experiencing the covid-19 pandemic. For this matter, it urges the government to make the learning process to be carried out remotely by utilizing various ICT, including CBI-based learning. Islamic educational institutions, especially their teachers, must immediately utilize and develop CBI-based learning so that the learning process can run effectively and not be constrained by the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aims to develop digitalization of CBI-based Arabic learning multimedia products in the Ula (Basic) class of LPBA Al-Qodiri Islamic Boarding School, Jember. This research implements R&D research. The learning design in this study uses the Dick & Carey model. The results of the study indicate that the digitalization of the learning multimedia product is very feasible and has enormous benefits, as well as it is applicable to all Islamic educational institutions. Moreover, it also strengthens the results of other researches within the topic of successful use of ICT-based learning multimedia including CBI with all the devices or applications in it for these learning multimedia products make the learning process to be more effective, efficient, and interesting, so that teachers can easily carry out the learning process and achieve their learning objectives.
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